If you’re new to diving, you might be wondering what’s a good diet for divers. A diver’s diet is the same as any healthy and active person’s. For a healthy body, you need to eat a balanced diet.
One of the general things to keep in mind is to avoid excess fat to protect yourself from diseases linked with obesity such as cholesterol, diabetes, and cardiovascular illnesses. It’s also vital to stay hydrated. Dehydration can lead to problems because it reduces the circulating blood volume as well as the blood flow of tissues.
When this happens, it will become hard to eliminate inert gas and you are likely to surface with more inert gas in your system. Thus, increasing the risk of getting decompression sickness (DCS). Staying hydrated is the key to avoiding this health issue. So remember to drink up throughout the week before the dive.
Nemo Diving Center recommends combining a balanced diet with regular exercise to stay fit. Good physical conditioning will give you ample energy to carry your dive equipment and help you perform better underwater.
What to eat before a dive
It’s recommended that you skip the breakfast buffet at your hotel or resort and choose a light meal before your underwater adventure. While a heavy stomach is not ideal before a dive, so is an empty stomach. It’s not enough that you drink coffee in the morning because you’ll need a lot of energy to sustain yourself during the dive. After all, you’ll be burning around 400 calories so it’s only fitting to eat something.
If you’re scheduled for a day dive, it’s best to start the day with a light breakfast such as a bowl of cereal with milk or low-fat pudding and a piece of fruit. A banana, apple, or pear are some choices to consider. If you prefer protein, you can have an egg and toast or a ham sandwich. Vegetarians, vegans, and others can decide on a light breakfast that fits your special dietary needs. We recommended eating at least two hours before your dive.
Diving in a different country? You might want to put off experimenting with exotic dishes especially those with different kinds of spices right before your dive. You don’t know how your stomach will react and an upset stomach can ruin your dive plans.
Although food is part of the adventure when visiting new places, it’s best to wait until after your dive to indulge in a gastronomic feast. If you’re headed to Dubai, your tastebuds will surely be delighted. Check out our scuba diving deals Dubai and plan your adventure.
What not to eat before a dive
Avoid heavy meals and food that are difficult to digest such as red meat and fatty dishes. We also discourage drinking too much coffee before the dive because it could make you anxious and trigger stress. Alcohol consumption is a no-no before the dive because it can make you susceptible to DCS and negatively affect your mental capacity. Keep in mind that you need to focus, stay alert, and be able to make critical decisions during your dive.
In a nutshell, eating the right healthy food and staying hydrated before your dive will help you enjoy your underwater experience. Happy diving!