Exploring nature’s underwater ecosystem opens your eyes to a world of new wonders and fascinating sights. For first-timers, scuba diving may inspire a mixture of excitement and jitters as you venture into unfamiliar territory.
It’s natural to feel a little nervous about descending into the underwater world but don’t let your doubts and fears rob you of a wonderful experience. Here are some things that you can expect on your first dive in Dubai that might help calm your nerves and change apprehension to enthusiasm.
What to expect on your first scuba dive
Taking your initial dive in a controlled setting
Don’t worry because your dive instructor will not let you plunge into the ocean until you have acquired the necessary diving knowledge and skills. You can enroll in our Introductory Diving in Dubai, where we will teach you the important scuba diving concepts. Then you will have your first dive in a controlled dive site such as a pool or shallow bay. This will give you the opportunity to apply the diving concepts, get familiar with the diving equipment, and practice basic scuba skills before going into open water.
Breathing through a scuba regulator
Taking your first breath underwater using a scuba regulator may seem quite strange at first. With proper guidance from a professional dive instructor, you will get used to the feeling until you become comfortable breathing through your mouthpiece. Exhaling fully after each breath will prevent you from feeling strained for air. Adjusting to regulator breathing may not be the same for everyone; some may adjust quickly while others may take a little longer to get accustomed to their scuba equipment.
Feeling of weightlessness
Buoyancy is the feeling of weightlessness in the water which is one of the best parts of scuba diving. This acquired skill allows you to glide gracefully in the water without exerting too much effort. For first-time divers, buoyancy may seem tricky. Don’t stress yourself because it may take a few dives before you can master this skill. Water is dense and it’s natural to feel the resistance around you when you move. However, the more you struggle your way underwater, the more oxygen you consume. This will result in a shorter dive. The trick is to relax and use controlled movements when you make your way underwater. Our dive instructor will teach you the right amount of weight to carry and how to fine-tune your weighting and trim. Your dive instructor will also tackle other factors that influence buoyancy such as BC inflation, exposure suit, depth, and breath control.
Underwater Noise
During your initial dive in shallow water or first plunge in open water, you might feel distracted by the loud noises created by your breathing. The sounds may seem like it’s coming from the rear which can be confusing during the first few minutes. Don’t fuss about it because you’ll be able to tune out the sound the longer you stay in the water. Try to focus on your colorful surroundings to lessen the distraction of the underwater noise.
Limited underwater vision
Most scuba diving masks obstruct a diver’s peripheral vision resulting in blind spots. A first-timer might have a tendency to panic when it becomes challenging to see underwater. Remain calm because your dive instructor will guide you on which way to look and where to make a turn. Another way to compensate for reduced peripheral vision is to keep your head on a swivel. Meaning, you have to move your head and constantly scan from left to right so you’re aware of the things around you.
Diving is a rewarding experience especially when you get accustomed to it. The more you dive, the more confidence you gain in the water. With time, effort, and commitment, you’ll find yourself completely at home in the underwater world.