The pandemic has forced a lot of countries to implement lockdown protocols. Many industries including the diving industry have been greatly affected. Travel has been placed on a standstill while hotel services have been disrupted. These restrictions mandated by health authorities around the world are economically debilitating but nations must follow until there is a viable antidote for the virus.
Although the threat of COVID-19 still lingers, the world is now moving to a new phase of the pandemic — the “new” normal. Now that travel restrictions are gradually easing up and allowing a bit more freedom, scuba diving enthusiasts are excited to head back in the water. Check out the following tips to help you prepare to dive again:
Diving safety tips amid the pandemic
Check local regulation updates
Do you miss diving and can’t wait to get back in the water? The first thing that you can do is check local advisories to know the activities that are allowed, restricted, or prohibited in your area. If you’re planning to dive overseas, find out if you are allowed to travel to your desired destination. Then check if diving is already open in that country before making arrangements.
In Dubai, tourism has been reopened amid the pandemic. Stringent measures are being implemented to keep everyone safe. Dubai Tourism set guidelines for outdoor tourism and sporting activities. This is Dubai’s way of rekindling the interest of travelers.
If you’re scuba diving in UAE, Nemo Diving Center follows strict safety procedures to safeguard its clients from the COVID-19.
Stay physically fit
If lockdown measures in your area have made you sluggish, it’s time to get moving again. Get physically fit again by starting a regular exercise routine. This will help you when you get back to diving. A good level of fitness is important so that you have energy and strength when you explore the underwater world.
Lose the extra pounds you gained
Did you know that nitrogen is at least five times more soluble in fat than in other tissues? If there are a lot of fats in your body, it can overwhelm normal lung function. When this happens, it could force bubbles into circulation that may lead to a higher risk of Decompression Illness (DCI). Being overweight is also associated with other health issues such as diabetes and high blood pressure. Maintain a healthy diet and regular exercise to shed the extra pounds that you may have gained during the lockdown.
Refresh your skills
Want to brush up on your knowledge and skills to prepare you for diving again? You can enroll in a PADI ReActivate Scuba Refresher course to refresh your scuba skills. Check out our scuba diving Dubai packages.
Service your dive equipment
Properly functioning equipment equates to a safe dive. Don’t skip the cleaning, inspection, and routine maintenance of your dive equipment. This way, you can prevent malfunctions.
Coronavirus waste in the ocean
Summon the environmental protector in you and help save the ocean. Aside from the prevailing plastic and other debris problem, our beloved ocean is facing a new threat. Gloves, medical masks, hand sanitizer bottles, and other similar waste are now part of the burgeoning water pollution. Tagged as Coronavirus waste, single-use personal protective equipment (PPE) is threatening our ocean.
The world is already dealing with 8 million tons of plastics dumped in our ocean every year and now this. This is not an isolated problem. We all share the ocean that’s why we are all responsible for taking care of it.
As nations emerge from the pandemic, we must work hand in hand to rebuild and protect the things that have been affected.
Nemo Diving Center has been part of many ocean clean-up efforts to tackle plastic pollution. We share the vision of nature lovers and conservationists to have a healthier ocean.